I can’t begin to tell you how good it feels to write my first blog post for www.SuccessIsWorking.com Each week I aim to provide content that is interesting, informative, and useful to you. The message I want to convey this week is “Take action to move in the direction of your dreams”. Many people, myself included, have been guilty of remaining in low gear, if not idling, for too long.

Almost 11 years ago I began a rigorous training program to complete a grueling 100 mile race through the Rocky Mountains called the Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run. I successfully completed the race in 2005 and have been able to share my experience with thousands of people and more than 100 organizations.

The majority of my speaking engagements have stemmed from friends and referrals from those who have heard me speak. I’ve known for quite some time that if I wanted my speaking business to take off, it was essential to create a functioning web page. Last week I finally decided to take action. I have done more in the last 10 days than I had in the previous 10 years. What took me so long to wise up? The answer is not worth rehashing, rather the point is that I’m now focused on the future.

A question I want you to consider is “What is something you wish you were doing now but have not been doing?” It may be related to exercise, diet, reading, engaging in some activity, or spending more time with someone. Whatever it is, take my advice and move in the direction of your dreams – you will be glad you did. Success will follow if you believe in yourself.
