Please watch the video below if you haven’t seen it. I’m still astounded as I write this post – part of me simply cannot fathom how a 4 year old shoots 10/11 basketballs into a little kids hoop on live national TV (the shot he missed was close – it went off the rim...
While you may have seen this before from leadership literature and frequently posted on the internet, it is a good reminder of how a flock of geese can teach human beings to be more collaborative. Before offering my two cents, read how geese instinctively exhibit...
Facebook post from Andy’s wife Tara…. Andy is an official Iron Man!!! Yesterday we watched him cross off a bucket list item that was 15 months in the making! Only Andy would have the luck of there being a monsoon in the desert he would have have to battle...
One of my favorite poems of all time…. Desiderata Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to... I am excited to tell you about an outstanding young woman I had the pleasure of meeting less than 4 years ago. Alissa Morrison, now known as Miss Iowa USA since October 11, 2015, was a student of mine at St. Ambrose University....